Bert and Ernie Land

Bert and Ernie

Name: Ernie
Born: January 28 (Aquarius)
Quote: "Hey, Bert old buddy? Are you asleep?"
Philosophy: Do unto others before they can do unto you.
Best Friend: Bert
Likes: Playing tricks on Bert, eating Bert`s pizza; taking baths with Rubber Duckie.
Dislikes: When it`s his turn to clean up; when Bert won`t play.
Hobbies: Imagining; thinking; Playing word games; and (of course) tricking Bert.

Name: Bert
Born: July 26 ( Leo)
Quote: "Er-nie"
Philosophy: Be patient-or you`ll be a patient.
Best Friend: Ernie
Likes: Ws; pigeons; brass band music; oatmeal; boring stories; watching weather forecast on TV; argyle socks; the color gray.
Dislikes: When Ernie wakes him up with silly questions like "What are we going to do tomorrow?"
Hobbies/Obsession: Collecting Figgy Fizz bottle caps; paper clips; and pink erasers.

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